英国威格斯150CA30 PEEK产品介绍:
150CA30 PEEK制造的轴承摩擦系数低,耐磨,并且基本上无蠕动现象。机械强度高,刚性大,硬度高;优异的弹性;抗蠕变性能好;即使在低温下,冲击强度高;非常好的尺寸稳定性;滑动性能好,耐磨;机械性能优异;生理惰性,适宜与食品接触。 POM+PTFE板棒 应用领域:适用于制作滑动部件,精密机械部件和耐水性部件,如:轴承、齿轮、叶轮、凸轮、衬套。垫圈、导轨、受柄、把手等,治具用材料。
英国威格斯150CA30 PEEK特性:
韧性**,抗冲击**。 PEEK可以使用*方便的消毒方式进行消毒(蒸汽、干燥热力、乙醇和 Y 射线),并且制造PEEK的原材料成分符合欧盟及美国 FDA 关于食品应性的规定,这些特点使之适在医疗、制药和食品加工业得到非常普遍应用。 聚醚醚酮(PEEK)与其他特种工程塑料相比具有诸多显著优势,耐高温、机械性能优异、自润滑性好、耐化学品腐蚀、阻燃、耐剥离性、耐辐照性、绝缘性稳定、耐水解和易加工等,在**航天、汽车制造、电子电气、医疗和食品加工等领域得到广泛应用。
英国威格斯150CA30 PEEK详解:
The signi?cance of conditional independence has long been known in the related ?eld of distributed detection (e.g., [25]). Given the similarity between distributed detection and the multiterminal source-coding problem, one expects conditional independence to play a signi?cant
role here as well. Indeed, most conclusive results for the multiterminal source-coding problem require a condi-tional independence assumption [10, 18, 12, 13, 14].The motivation for intro-ducing Xn is that it allows one to apply theapproach used in these works toproblems that lack conditional independence.